DeFi Startup Builder
TechAngel is a platform dedicated to the development of digital innovation
TechAngel is the bridge between classical style financing for innovation and new paradigms brought by Blockchain and Web3.
12 months of financing for the commercial execution of your innovation thanks to the Blockchain.
How It Works
We maximize the valuation of startups before traditional fundraising (series A, B, C), thus guaranteeing a more balanced and sustainable governance and more effective capitalization.
Our approach is to federate several communities of investors in order to cover the financing of projects as well as to guarantee deadlines and fundraising that meet your challenges.
All supported projects are rigorously selected and with a full guarantee of financing and technical implementation.
Investors have a single back office for managing their
investment portfolio and valuing digital assets.
A hybrid marketplace makes it possible to trade several
products derived from innovation activities and to monitor
the level of risk of each supported project.
Customer Journey Mapping
Tech Angel acts as a CTO and mobilizes the uprising
crypto investors communities for:
  • De-risking the investment with a thorough commitment closing from pre-seed.
  • De-risking the technical development with a pertinent architecture of the solution by a dedicated CTO.
  • Offering a financial guarantee for early investors with an insurance exit Smart Contract.
  • Valorizing digital assets with dedicated marketplace for intangible assets.
Tech Angel’s potential customers come from two environments:
  • The upraising DeFi economic environment - Tech Angel addresses the main issues faced by the pre-seed and seed investors’ communities

  • The startup innovative environment - Tech Angel enforces a partnership and cooperative approach with innovative hubs, accelerators and incubators label on selective projects
Gathering a collective intelligence with several partners
and communities involved in the process from the projects’ selection and the pre-seed phases guarantees management excellence, thus leveraging the yield potential for each phase. Linking sound and secure financing with a market-fit technological delivery, thus providing access to the key factors to make a great idea into a successful business and offering a measurable added value.
Our offers
  • Easily raise from $400k to several million within a year;
  • Quickly develop your project and make it as a crypto asset to maximize its value;
  • Our SHEN Token allows a large communityto freely sponsor your project.
  • Investment risk reward till 300% + within 9 months;
  • When you transfer SHEN Token, for impacting projects of your concern, you can share a % of your added value;
  • The best way to quickly and effortlessly find your best opportunities.
  • Get started quickly in innovation by reducing your financial and technical risks;
  • Transform your cost center into a profit center thanks to your innovative projects;
  • Better value your portfolio of technological assets and find new business opportunities.
An invested amount guarantee
Several ways to exit
and at all stages of the investment
All projects have a sustainable development impact
No scam projects
Purchase and sale of reusable and reliable software components
behavior configuration of your tokens during your financial transactions
Find and manage targeted opportunities and easily create communities with business units to accelerate and secure projects
daily monitoring of the progress of the project and its value
We can estimate your company's opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
On the same platform find your future investors and customers
We divide your intangible assets into bricks to secure your startup and multiply your profits
Make revenues from the first year of incubation
Purchase and sale of reusable and reliable software components
Save hundreds of thousands of dollars with our promotional tools, perfectly adapted to the preparation of your Private Sale and ICO
Set of toolsoffering guarantees regarding the intellectual property and the value of your intangible assets
Meet Our Team
  • Henri IBOWILI
  • Victor TRABELSI
    Israel Zone VP
    Lobbying VP
  • Karum SMOEV
    Investment VP
  • Parfait Landry MAMBOU
    Africa Zone VP
  • Julien CAMPO
    Private sale VP
Connect with us
Contact us to become a member.
Our Partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
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